
Monday, January 7, 2013

Comadre - Self Titled (2013)

For Fans Of: Rites of Spring, Refused, The Reptilian
Genre: Hardcore, Screamo
Website: Bandcamp

Sorry the updates have been slow on this thing - work has kept me constantly busy, since I've been up at school updating this blog all the time, and I assure you it is not dead. This is my first post for the new year and what better way to start than post by one of everyone's favorite bands - Comadre. 

It's been a while since Comadre has released anything (I think the last thing they released was that Mixtape 5 release that contributed donations to Japan??), however, the wait has been worth it. Some blogs (Somtimes I Get Drunk at Night) are already starting to say this could be one of the best albums of the year. I don't know how true that may be (it is really good, don't get me wrong), but I still think this year will have a lot to offer. ANYWAYS, not too much to say about this album; griddy vocals, heavy riffs, and absolutely amazing production quality. This is probably the best hardcore album I've heard in a while, and everyone has to check this out if you haven't already.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Alaska / Oranges - The Summer I Joined The Harlem Globetrotters Split EP (2012)

For Fans Of: Pianos Become The Teeth, Touche Amore, Shark Bait
Genre: Post-Hardcore, Math-Rock, Screamo
Website: Bandcamp

This is a new split that Alaska and Oranges have put out (both bands that I have never really dove into until now), and after listening to these guys - I'm honestly pissed how I haven't heard of them sooner. After listening to these guys, Alaska honestly sounds like a heavier Pianos Become The Teeth; the screaming and guitar work puts this band on a heavier level than Pianos. Oranges is also pretty similar to the post-hardcore style of Alaska - except with more noodly/math-rock guitar work. Both bands do a great job at complimenting each other on this split--where at times--it's hard to figure out who I'm listening too. If you haven't already heard of these guys, check out the rest of their stuff on their bandcamp - it's all dope shit. Word.

Gulfer / Fago.Sepia - Split (2012)

For Fans Of: Giraffes? Giraffes, The Reptilian, Look Mexico
Genre: Math Rock, Indie, Emo
Website: Bandcamp

This is the new split Gulfer has done with Fago.Sepia and it's pretty fucking amazing. I don't really know much about these guys (other than that they're from Montreal), but apon my first listen, it sounds like something the reptilian would do if they were more noodly with their guitar work. The singing could be a little better on this, but it doesn't take away too much from the music on here - I love anything that's math rock. The synths kind of sound corny at times, but they're rarely used throughout their songs so it's not that big of a deal. Song structure is really enjoyable and overall this thing is a fun listen. I really recommend picking this up (or atleast giving it a listen). Check it out.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Arrows In Her - Leaving (2012)

For Fans Of: Moving Mountains, The Appleseed Cast, Deer Leap
Genre: Indie, Post-Rock, Emo
Website: Bandcamp

Arrows In Her reminds me of that new Deer Leap release that came out a while back. All of the music on this thing is extremely heartfelt and wrenching. They remind me a lot like a younger Appleseed Cast. All of their songs groove with that atmospheric emo/post-rock sound along with extremely catchy choruses that don't sound corny and overdone. I'm going to look into these guys more and upload the rest of their stuff later when I get some more free time. Get into it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fear of Men - Mosaic (2012)

For Fans Of: Dum Dum Girls, Wild Nothing
Genre: Indie, Dream Pop, Shoegaze
Website: Bandcamp

Another band that I normally don't put up, but thought could use some attention. Fear of Men are this up and coming dream-pop/shoegaze band out of london that have struck a chord with me compared to others that have played that same old dreamy/indie shit that I'm sure everyone knows. If you follow Gorilla Vs Bear - you've probably heard of these guys. If not - you should still here about these guys. I'm not sure if everyone here likes the dreamy/shoegaze sound of modern indie, but great things are gonna come from this band when their full length comes out later this year. Get into it.

Amun Dragoon - Unlimited Dream Company (2012)

For Fans Of: Internet Club, Fatima Al Qadiri
Genre: Vaporwave

Another Vaporwave artist worth mentioningt: Amun Dragoon. If you like what you've heard from Internet Club and Fatima Al Qadiri, you'll probably like this too. Very chill corporate capitalist lounge music done right. Not much else to say. Check it out.

Internet Club - Vanishing Vision (2012)

For Fans Of: Computer Dreams, Amun Dragoon, Fatima Al Qadiri
Genre: Vaporwave

I don't normally post anything besides anything other than skramz related, but this has to be put on here.  I don't know how many of you follow Tiny Mixtapes, but they have lately been covering a lot of this new (now defunct I think?) genre called Vaporwave. It's some of the weirdest shit I've ever come across. Apon first listen I thought it to be seen as pretentious elevator music now trying to made into something, but apon further listening it's not that bad. Internet Club in my opinion, is probably the best at this genre; all of his songs groove in a certain way that for some reason don't come off as try hard compared to other artists (I'm still having trouble getting into most of the releases coming out in this genre). If I had to put vaporwave into to words, it would be elevator music. But if anything else, this is elevator music done at it's absolute best. "By Design" is probably the best song on this release. If you like what you hear, you can pick up his entire discography on his website that I have listed above. It's a weird genre, but I encourage everyone to check it out.

Brightside - Seconds Matter & Good Enough (2011-2012)

For Fans Of: Tigers Jaw, Ryker's, Backfire!
Genre: Indie, Emo
Website: Bandcamp

Found this on Circling the Drain and I'm pretty impressed. Brightside is an emo band from Pitsburgh who features ex-members from Code Orange Kids and the Edukators. Pretty chill stuff on here that I'm sure will hit the right spot with everyone. Check it out.

Old Gray - Everything I Let Go & The Things I Refuse EP (2012)

For Fans Of: Pianos Become The Teeth, Merchant Ships, The Exploration
Genre: Screamo
Website: Bandcamp

This is Old Gray's newest release and it's nothing short of amazing. For those of you who don't know, Old Gray is a screamo band from New England who play really atmospheric post-rock sounding screamo (Pianos Become The Teeth). Although this release only has four songs, every song on this thing is pushed to the band's limits. This is probably one of the most emotional albums I've heard this year. I can barely understand what the singer is saying half the time, but that doesn't matter because of how good the music is. Really heartfelt shit right here. This is a must have for everyone who hasn't heard of these guys yet.

Shark Bait - Phantom Feelings (2012)

For Fans Of: The Reptilian, Innards, Raein
Genre: Screamo
Website: Bandcamp

This is Shark Bait's newest release and it doesn't disappoint. Shark Bait has always been known for having great production quality with every release, but the sound quality on this thing is phenomenal. The screaming has also gotten a lot better since the split with Adaje (check them out too when you get a chance). "Crippled Youth" is probably my favorite off this release - it reminds me of a song Pianos Become The Teeth would record (which is never a bad thing). Below is the link to pick this thing up from their bandcamp - they really need the money. If you don't get it now, i'll put up the free link soon. Get into it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Loud? - Connections (2012)

For Fans Of: The Promise Ring, Everyone Everywhere, Texas Is The Reason
Genre: Emo
Website: Facebook / Bandcamp

Loud? is another Emo band that stays true to the 90s and I'm sure hits the right spot with everyone. The Promise Ring is probably the first band that comes to mind when I listen to these guys (among many others). There really isn't much to say about this release; groovy riffs, great vocals, on-point song structure, catchy choruses - the universe appears to be in order. If you like these guys, the rest of their discography is on their bandcamp. Get it now.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Foxing - Old Songs (2012)

For Fans Of: American Football, Hunter Gatherer, Leaf Routines
Genre: Emo, Indie
Website: Bandcamp

Another release that has been floating around for a while that I thought I'd upload too. Old Songs is essentially an EP of three "old songs" Foxing did a while back (whereabouts - have no idea). Foxing reminds me of Leaf Routine except with more screaming. However, the screaming could be better on this - I don't know if I make any sense, but sometimes I feel like it doesn't flow with their music. Nevertheless, it's still interesting and doesn't take away too much from this release. I can't express how good the post-rock parts are on this thing; they remind me of The Appleseed Cast sometimes. Although this thing is only three songs long, it's a good listen and needs to be heard.